Trash cans should be adapted. Rems post-mounted trash cans are! Practical, cylindrical without applications — this is the concept behind the Rems trash can. Rems trash cans for post mounting are available in various sizes: e.g. 35 l, 50 l and an ashtray or with a large, 60 l capacity. The Rems trash can is therefore suitable for indoor and outdoor use and is available in many colors. The Rems trash can is the ideal street furniture when it comes to a universal trash can.
In addition to the Rems trash can’s deliberately clear shape, it also impresses with its particularly simple post mounting. Position the posts, hang the Rems — and the post mounting of the Rems trash can is done! Emptying is just as practical. At METDRA, we think especially about everyday practical situations, as shown by our Rems cylindrical trash can. Convince yourself about the Rems trash can: It comes equipped with a baffle at the opening so that no household garbage can be dumped in it.